Yacht building process

A yacht isn’t built in a day. For the future owner it starts when after years of dreaming they decide that the time to have their own yacht built is now.

Building a yacht: step by step plan

Let's meet

After a first contact, usually by phone or email, we make an appointment to meet. Face to face, digital or in the flesh, whatever works best for you. We discuss initial ideas, wishes and demands. We want to get to know you and your sailing intentions, so we understand what kind of boat fits you. When we have a general idea of the intended use, the size, hull shape, riging wishes and budget, that’s when we can start sketching.


We draw our initial designs. Top view, side views. These sketches form the basis of a process that can take anything from a couple of months to more than a year. There are many choices to make. Shape, size, exterior, interior, materials, number of masts, huts, bunks, engine type to name but a few. After each round of schetches we discuss the design choices. If they meet your demands and how they have consequences for other wishes you might have. You can imagine how for example the choice for a lifting keel influences the interior.

Prepare for building

When the final drawings are approved, we can prepare for hull building. This means breaking the whole design down to a list of all parts and materials and checking their availability. Once we know when we can have all necessary materials, we can start planning the build.

Start building

The day we start the actual build is a special day. If in any way possible the owners are present and get the honour of performing the first weld, much like laying the first brick when building a new house.


When the hull is done and it is time to build the interior, we ideally make a mockup of the yacht so we can walk you through it and make sure we’re still on the right track.

Finishing touch

Now it’s time for finishing, electricity, plumbing and then we’re ready for testing.


Before we can launch, we test everything inside. Water, plumbing, lights, gas and if everything works as planned, it time to launch.

Launch time

The moment everybody has been waiting for. Launch time. But the yacht isn’t finished yet. The next step still holds some essential parts.

Getting ready

Mast, rigging and sails are installed. Quite important for a sail boat.


Now your yacht is ready to be tested in the field, or in our case in the lake, the IJsselmeer.


And then, after the sea trials, we can hand the ownership officially over to you.


A custom built yacht is unique. There is no way of knowing beforehand that what looked like an excellent idea on paper, will perform exactly as expected. So after a few weeks of sailing, you might want to come back and have some options changed or added. This is normal and we still have to build our first yacht that doesn’t need a few tweaks here and there before its new owners are perfectly happy.

Questions about
the building process?

    Contact person

    Jildou Huisman
    Sales & Events T: +31(0)515 233 000
    E: info@kmy.nl
    T: +31(0)515 233 000
    E: info@kmy.nl